A Joyful, Summer Wedding at Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Venue: Brooklyn Botanic Garden | Photography: Dreamscape Studio Photography | Band: Soulfarm | Florist: Flowers by Special Arrangement | Catering: Simply Divine | Officiant: Rabbi Jon Leener

When you live in a bustling city like New York, it’s always a breath of fresh air to go to the beautiful Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Ben and Eugene decided to celebrate their nuptials at this iconic venue, and I was so excited to be a part of it. Their wedding was a traditional Jewish wedding that featured many customs and traditions that were all so beautiful. Let’s dive in!

To start the day, Ben and Eugene decided to get ready together at their home in Brooklyn. As surprising as it sounds, you will rarely get moments to be with just your spouse on your wedding day. Taking this intentional time to prepare for the day together is always a smart idea. Luckily, their building had a gorgeous rooftop where they took portraits and some friends and family photos.

After they were done, we all headed over to the gardens for more portraits and to get things set up. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden has so many gorgeous corners for photos and the two grooms looked so dapper and in love! They opted to do things a little differently than a typical wedding, so we started with cocktail hour out on the garden terrace. About halfway through cocktail hour, we started their Tisch. A Tisch is where they sign the Jewish marriage license (called a Ketubah). Their loved ones sang and blessed the marriage before heading over to the Water Garden for their formal ceremony. The timing was perfect as they said their “I do’s” under a beautiful sunset.

Once the ceremony was complete, guests ushered them back to the iconic Palm House for dinner and dancing. Soulfarm kept the dance floor going for a festive Hora. As a fun surprise, Ben’s friend dressed up as his favorite animal, a panda, and danced with them. Everyone had such a great time celebrating the two grooms. Ben and Eugene were the sweetest and you could feel the love in the air all around. Congratulations you two!

Shot of groom details including rings, bowties, and a watch.
Black and white shot of the grooms sitting on a couch as one of them puts on a shoe.
Black and white shot of the the groom adjusting the other groom's jacket.
Upper body shot of the grooms smiling for the camera.
Shot of the grooms on their roof standing amidst a giant chess board.
Shot of the grooms sharing a kiss on their Brooklyn rooftop with the Manhattan skyline behind them.
Shot of the grooms embracing and smiling at each other on their Brooklyn rooftop.
Shot of the grooms greeting friends who joined them on the rooftop.
Shot of one groom with his friends.
Shot of the grooms embracing and smiling at each other on their Brooklyn rooftop.
Shot of the grooms leaning on each other and smiling for the camera.
Shot of the grooms' chests, showcasing their bowties.
Shot of the top of the gate into the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.
Shot of the Brooklyn botanic gardens.
Left photo: Shot of the grooms smiling at each other as they sit on a bench in the gardens.
Right photo: Shot of the grooms smiling and leaning on each other on a bench.
Shot of the grooms smiling at each other as they walk hand in hand in the garden.
Shot of the grooms smiling as they embrace in the garden.
Left photo: Shot of the grooms smiling at each other. 
Right photo: Shot of the grooms holding hands and smiling at each other next to a large tree.
Shot of the grooms contrasting blue and tan pants and tan and blue shoes.
Upper body shot of the grooms holding hands and smiling at each other.
Full body shot of the grooms holding hands and smiling at each other as they walk through the gardens.
Upper body shot of the grooms holding hands and smiling at each other as they walk through the gardens.
Shot of the grooms holding hands and smiling at each other as they sit on steps.
Shot of the grooms sharing a kiss in the gardens.
Shot of the guests arriving to the gardens.
Upper body shot of a groom smiling.
Black and white shot of a groom and wedding guests.
Shot of a groom sitting at a table and pouring himself a drink.
Shot of a groom and a guest smiling at a table.
Black and white shot of the grooms and some guests at a table as they prepare to sign the Ketubah.
Black and white shot of the grooms reading from Jewish books.
Shot of the grooms reading from Jewish books.
Black and white shot of the grooms reading from a Jewish book.
Shot of guests clapping and cheering.
Black and white shot of a groom signing the marriage license at a table with the other groom and their witnesses.
Black and white shot of wedding guests gathered around a table where the Ketubah signing took place.
Close up shot of a groom signing the Ketubah.
Shot of the grooms putting kippahs on each other as their guests cheer and clap around them.
Up close shot of a strings band.
Shot of the grooms walking toward the ceremony space in the gardens.
Shot of the grooms walking down the aisle to the altar.
Left photo: Shot of the grooms adjusting their garmets at the altar. 
Right photo: Shot of the grooms adjusting their garments at the altar.
Black and white shot of the grooms adjusting their garments.
Shot of the grooms standing beneath their chuppah as the ceremony begins.
Shot of the grooms standing under their chuppah and smiling at their guests.
Black and white shot of the guests applauding.
Shot of the grooms exchanging rings.
Black and white shot of the grooms exchanging rings.
Shot of the officiant smiling as he speaks into the microphone.
Shot of the guests seated for the ceremony.
Left photo: Shot of a groom breaking the glass cup.
Right photo: Shot of the grooms embracing under their chuppah.
Shot of the grooms smiling and holding hands and walking amongst their guests as their make their way to cocktail hour.
Shot of guests seated in the reception space.
Shot of the grooms smiling as they walk out into their reception.
Shot of guests dancing on the dance floor.
Shot of a groom dancing with guests on the dance floor.
Shot of the grooms being lifted in chairs by their guests during the Hora.
Black and white shot of the grooms laughing in their Hora chairs.
Black and white shot of guests surrounding the grooms in celebration.
Shot of guests dancing and celebrating on the dance floor as confetti falls.
Black and white shot of guests on the dance floor in the reception space.
Black and white shot of the grooms raising their glasses in a toast.
Shot of the grooms dancing with their friend who is wearing a panda head.
Black and white shot of a groom dancing with guests.
Shot of the grooms smiling and dancing together at their reception.
Black and white shot of the grooms dancing together at their reception.
Black and white shot of the grooms embracing.

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